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Is there a difference between cathode copper and electrolytic copper?

There is no difference between electrolytic copper and cathode copper.

Cathode copper usually refers to electrolytic copper, which means that thick copper (containing 98% copper) is made into thick steel plate in advance as anode, all copper is made into flakes as anode, and a solution of sulfuric acid and copper sulfate is used as electrolyte.

After connecting to the power supply, copper melts from the anode into copper ions (Cu) and moves to the negative electrode. After reaching the negative electrode, electrons are obtained and full copper (also known as electrolytic copper) is precipitated at the negative electrode. The impurities in the crude copper, such as iron and zinc that are more active than copper, will It dissolves together with copper into ions (Zn and Fe).

Because this ion is not easy to precipitate compared with copper ions, it is only necessary to moderately adjust the potential difference during electrolysis to prevent this ion from precipitating on the negative electrode. Impurities that are less active than copper, such as gold and silver, accumulate on the bottom of the electrolytic cell. The copper plate produced in this way is called "electrolytic copper", which is of high quality and can be used to make electrical products.

Quality requirements of cathode copper: copper concentrate is produced by electrolytic refining or electrolytic stacking to obtain cathode copper. According to the requirements of national standard GB\/T385-1998 cathode copper greater than 1) and standard copper cathode (Cu-CATH-2) and 2 models.

The experimental method of cathode copper: the arbitration statistical analysis method of high-purity cathode copper composition shall be carried out according to the requirements of GB\/T13183-1992 high-purity anode copper chemical analysis method, and the arbitration statistical analysis method of standard cathode copper composition shall be carried out according to GB\/T5121-1996 copper And copper alloy chemical analysis method is larger than the requirements.